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99 Quotes to Think Like a Millionaire
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99 Quotes to Think Like a Millionaire
Before you get all defensive and start hating my guts, give me a chance to explain why this book made it into the club…
The Secret is a very successful project that went viral 10 years ago. Although I discovered in 2016 (9 years later haha), I still find it very motivational and here’s why:
There’s a HUGE debate about this book… Whether does it really motivate you or does it simply misleads you to believe that by simply wishing things you will receive them. But whatever the reality is, it was a game changer for me and a huge eye opener. It made me see and believe in myself again. It gave me the ability to control my negative thoughts, and it taught me how powerful our mind actually is.
If you’re struggling with negative thoughts every day and you feel alone in your journey, this book is definitely going to help you control your ideas and attract more positive things into your life.
This book is absolutely mind blowing! Written by Jack Schafer, a former FBI Special Agent, he shares amazing techniques on how to win people over real fast! He is an expert on how to turn people into your friends in a matter of minutes and be able to get what you want, without even asking for it. (Yeah, sounds too good to be true, but read the book and you’ll understand).
I kid you not, I apply all his techniques every time I can, sometimes even daily and the reactions I get from people are priceless!
I have numerous of examples of how just by applying some simple change of words I’ve got free car rental upgrades, free meals, and amazing customer service everywhere I go.
If you sometimes feel that you put up a barrier and scare people off, this is a must read for you!
This was the very first book I read from Tony Robbins, and of course I loved it! I actually listed to this book on an audiobook, which I really enjoyed because the first and last episodes where told by Tony himself.
I love the fact that Unlimited Power helps you to find your inner desires and what you truly want in life. It helps you to achieve extraordinary insights on how to master both your personal and professional life.
It’s also an extremely useful guide onto how to reprogram your mind to control your biggest fears, use them to your advantage, and simply gives you the strength to breakthrough problems you may have.
Although this book was written in 1997, the principles and all the contents are still 100% relevant in 2017. For me, one of the hardest things to recognize in life is to know what true happiness looks for me and how to achieve it. This book did exactly that!
For me this book is my Bible of success, and it should be yours too! Napoleon Hill is one of the greatest icons in mindset development and an amazing student of highly successful people.
All the information he shares about how people become rich is absolutely priceless. On this book he talks about all the successful people he met and interviewed, and what he learned from them.
I swear, every phrase you read is a motivational quote on its own. I started taking notes during the first 3 chapters. After I realized that I was basically re-writing the book, I had to stop taking notes and simply underline the important things on each page (that’s how crazy it is!)
There’s really no point of me telling you why you should read this one, but I’ll put it real simple for you: How much would it cost to get a 1hr interview with the biggest entrepreneurs in history? (assuming there’s very few still alive). In this book you get to hear the stories of people like: Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and John D. Rockefeller (among many more).
This was one of the very first books in mindset/finance I ever read. It’s not only a must in your collection, but it’s a true gem to shift your poor mind into a wealthy mind.
On this book Robert shows that your income is not a way to become rich. His very well explained points of views teaches you that it’s not about how much you make, but how much you keep and invest.
He gives clears examples of simple strategies you can apply today to be wealthy tomorrow (and I mean WEALTHY!). I also resonated with Robert immediately, as everything he talks about his poor dad reminds me of my dad. His poor dad was nothing like you’re picturing; he was actually a well educated professional making well over $80k a year but he was always broke and would barely make it with so many expenses in his life.
Plus it gave me a priceless lesson: to recognize assets over liabilities which 90% of the people can’t do.
For me, it’s always been a skill set to be able to think like a millionaire. Once you achieve this principle, you can do anything you want and be financially free from the 9 to 5.
On this book, Alex Becker (a very successful tech guru) teaches you how to start monetizing on your passions, how to expand and grow your business to new levels of success. He also gives you a very clear and straight to the point blueprint of how to recognize a good business model and how to approach it the best way.
The lessons I learned from his book, I applied them on my web design agency and the results were incredible. Of course you do not need to have a business in technology to apply the methodology, his tips and tricks work in any industry.
For me as an online entrepreneur and a work-less-earn-more enthusiast, this is an incredible tool to have in your library.
Timothy Ferris, who’s not only the author of this and many other books, he’s also an extraordinary entrepreneur and a very popular leader. On this book he reveals how he was able to go from $40k a year working 80hrs a week to making $40k a month working 4 hrs a week.
Of course when you hear this about a book you immediately think is too good to be true… But believe me, it’s 100% legit! One lesson that this book will provide to you is that in order to achieve big things you don’t have to work harder, you need to work smarter.
Tim explains how he was able to build a lifestyle business while building a team overseas and cutting his work down while increasing his amazing income up.
I’m a real #TeamGaryVee guy, so I’ll try to leave that aside for a second to give you my honest opinion on this book.
Although Gary’s personality is very well known for coursing and for motivating others to take action now, on this book he provides amazing insights about running and growing a business.
The Ask Gary Vee show is where people call in to ask questions and Gary responds straight to the point, based on his experience. This book is the collection of the best 500 questions he ever got. Everything from how to start and grow an online business, all the way to step by step strategies to position yourself as a though leader. This book truly gives you insights of how a giant social media expert thinks and how he utilizes all the media to his business advanted.
For me, it gave me so many ideas on how to create and grow an engaged community online using only social media.
This book is one of my favorites when it comes to trying to understand the life of a startup. Most people don’t even know the real meaning of “startup”. Not every new business is consider a startup, and Eric does a great job of explaining how to identify one: He defines a startup as an organization that’s dedicated to create something new under conditions of extreme uncertainty.
When we hear the word startup, we immediately think of tech companies with low budgets, self fund, or very small projects trying to find a way into the market. However, using Eric’s methodology, big fortune 500 companies also have inside organizations that he considers startups.
Ever since I read this book, I shifted the way we “tested” new things. Eric emphasizes the fact that a startup is not afraid to test, but is driven by results and optimization. This book also gives you amazing insights on how to leverage capital and human creativity for better results.
I’ve never been a “make a business plan before starting a business guy” simply because startups need and must adapt and adjust much faster than a well established brand. A lean startup is constantly optimizing and testing things around, and if there’s a way to change something in the way you do things, your startup must have the ability to adapt fast; something that would break your business plan in a few minutes.